I have the most basic of basic cable. Major networks, TBS, PBS. So when I'm in a hotel room or at a friend's house with cable, I can be a little obsessive, watching all the fascinating reality shows I can't get at home. "Say Yes to the Dress" on TLC is my absolute favorite, much to Hubby's horror and disbelief. I just love watching all those diva brides try on gowns.
But HGTV is my real downfall, especially any kind of organizing or home makeover show. Last week I was watching my friend's kids for her, and her mysterious and giant TV switched on HGTV of it's own accord. I'm totally serious. I don't know how it happened and could never make it happen again if I tried.
So, I spent 30 minutes with one eye on the kids and one on "Dear Genevieve," a show where families write in with a design dilemma and the miraculous Genevieve and her team solve all their problems and make them cry with joy. In this episode, the family-to-be-blessed included a mom and her little girl who loved to scrapbook, but couldn't get inspired because the workspace they shared with her husband was hopelessly cluttered and ill equipped.
Dear Genevieve swept in, built storage units and an l-shaped desk, and made all her scrapbooking supplies organized and beautiful. I was totally inspired.
In my little house, I have a laundry room off my kitchen without which I could not get by with my 1100 square feet. The little space is my Command Central, where I keep all our household supplies and paper products, plus the kids' crafting supplies, my small appliances, and 14 plastic bins of fabric. It's a constant challenge keeping it organized.
But Genevieve made me realize I could also make it pretty. Saturday I embarked on a total reorganization, switching all the fabric from the hidden side behind the door to the exposed side, and all the ugly supplies to the unseen side. Half way through, sweltering under the heat lamp mounted in the ceiling by our home's previous owner, I almost gave up. Having to do six loads of laundry in there in the last 48 hours hasn't helped.
So far, it still looks pretty bad. Apparently, I need Genevieve. I bought a bulletin board and a new thread holder, and had grand plans for wall mounting wonderful housewifely tools and supplies. But when I took down a poster that had been hanging on the main wall, I realized it was still patched and unpainted from six years back when we moved in.
So...Here is my Middle photograph. I don't have a Before shot. But I will supply the After. This blog is my way of holding myself accountable to finishing this. Tomorrow, I get out the paint can. (I wish Hubby would let me paint an accent wall in there, but he doesn't let me use anything but white paint. Wise Hubby.)
Meanwhile, any craft supply sorting tips or family organizing secrets you might have, let me know. My friends and regular blog readers know I am always losing things. Perhaps this room is the problem. Genevieve's double-time montage on TV really didn't help.
Off I go to change Command Central and possibly also my life.
Design*Sponge has this same effect on me. I can't tell you how many times, especially while pregnant, I hopped up from the computer, abandoned my to-do list and instead organized my bookshelves.